“優雅なお茶室で、素晴らしい茶道家の先生とのお手前は素敵な体験でしたー歓迎の意を感じ、刺激を受けました。 (Beautiful experience in an exquisite house with a wonderful tea master—We felt welcomes and inspired.)”
— Georges Desvaux
“素晴らしい時間をありがとうございました。場所も、お点前も、とてもすてきでした。 (Thank you very much for the wonderful time. The tea house and the ceremony were very nice.)”
“特別で思い出に残る体験を、どうもありがとうございました。 外国人だけでなく、日本人にとっても学びのある経験でした。 (Thank you very much for giving us the special & memorable opportunities. This is great experience and learning not only for foreign but for Japanese too.)”
— E.S
“とても面白くかったです。特に、茶道家の先生の見識が素晴らしかったです。 (Very interesting; particularly the tea master’s story telling was amazingly insightful.)”
— T.K
“私達のチームのために、東京での思い出深い日々をありがとうございました。 (Thank you again for putting together one of the most unforgettable days in Tokyo for our team.)”
— D.S
“素敵な思い出になりました。 (We have such fond memories of our days with you.)”
(I can’t thank you enough for the two incredible experiences you connected us with in Tokyo last week. On behalf of the team (our client included) I can safely say they inspired us on lots of different levels and have set us up perfectly for what should be a great design phase of our project.)”
とても感化され、自分の機織りのアイディアで頭がいっぱいになってしまいました。ー私の作品はまだまだですけどね! (I had a wonderful time on Sunday. Sawai san and his wife were delightful to spend time with and it was so exciting to spend time with experts who are also continuing to be so creative and to push the boundaries of their craft. I am now so inspired and brimming with ideas for my own weaving - which as you saw is much less advanced!!)”
“ゆうこさん、企画と通訳、本当にありがとうございました。 Ditto to all Gaynor says and yes thank you Yuko for all the planning and interpretation... and the Browns for inviting me along. It was a highlight of my trip here: wonderful insight into the lives of Sawai san and his family and their evolution to create new opportunities for their skills and sensibilities. Altogether a wonderful day, thank you. ”